Question: Are these original products?
Answer: We do not sell any product for which we are not authorized reseller and have the reselling certificate available with us. You can check each product thoroughly and scan the barcode available on each product. You will find the results from only authorized company and even the last scan date will be there. You can pay only once you have received and check it. We do have cash on delivery option. Even then if you are not satisfied you can return it anytime.
Question: Which forms of Payment do you accept?
Answer: We have all authorized payment solutions like
1- Cash On Delivery
2- Credit Card (Processed Using SSL)
Question: What is your return Policy?
Answer: We have no questions asked return policy and do not require any extra documentation at all.
Question: How do I know which product to use?
Answer: We have multiple experts from different industries and they are available for consultation free of cost. All you have to do is contact us using any contact method like:
1- Chat (On site chat box available) also in FB, Insta, Tiktok and other Platforms
2- Whatsapp (+971 52 221 0701) Central
3- Email: hi@lookfabulousco.com
4- Call: +974 7116 2622
Question: Free Delivery Available?
Answer: Yes free delivery on orders above 200 QAR. We do not charge COD handling fee or any extra charges at all.